Madison District Public Schools

Madison District Public Schools
Type and location
Type Public
Grades K-12
Country USA
Location Madison Heights, Michigan
District Info
Superintendent Gary J. Vettori
Students and staff
Other information

Madison District Public Schools is a school district serving the south end of Madison Heights, Michigan.

As of the beginning of 2009 the school district was dealing with an ongoing budget deficit. Over 60% of students were eligible for free or reduced lunches.

The district has a policy to allow students to be promoted to the next grade level no matter how poorly the student's report card grades were as long as the parents wrote a letter to the district asking to advance their child to the next grade. In 2008, 16 children's parents asked for such a 'no-flunking' promotion, but were declined.[1] The district has been faced with declining enrollment from the in-district children and that has led to major deficits.[2]
